Natural VS Man Made Citrine

Natural citrine is somewhat rare compared to man made citrine. Often what is found on the market today is heat treated amethyst pieces. When heated, amethyst will turn a bit of a dark yellow orangey color.

There are many ways to decipher whether or not a piece is natural or man made. The main way is the color. Natural citrine is more of a lemony yellow, pale yellow, smokey yellow sometimes grey or green toned rather than the dark yellow orangey, sometimes brown or amber color of heated amethyst. Another is that natural citrine does not grow in druzy cluster formation the way that amethyst does. There are other ways to tell, which I will not go into here but I encourage you to do additional research on it if you feel called to do so. 

There’s not really a consensus as to whether natural citrine and man made citrine have the same esoteric energetic and spiritual properties. There are very intuitive people that will say the two stones do not vibrate the same, that heat treated amethyst is still amethyst and other equally intuitive people that will say that heating amethyst makes it like citrine and therefore they are the same. I think that each individual person with any care for the matter will need to feel the energy of both stones themselves and decide.

I personally have a very strong stance on the matter, that you may have not heard before. 

Man made citrine is NOT citrine, NOR is it amethyst. 

To help you understand why I feel this way, you first have to know that I will often attribute human characteristics and experiences to different crystals because that is how I feel their energy, that is how I understand their energy. 

It is a common human experience to be subjected to the tyranny of another person’s opinion on what they should be. From birth we’re told what to do and how to act. Before we even realize who we are; our parents, our friends, our lovers, society, all try to put us in little boxes and slap a label on it. They tell us who to be, how to act, what to do and how to look. When we inevitably deviate from their expectation, it makes them uncomfortable and sometimes they will even try and fight us back into that little box. 

Those who are wild enough to see through that and have the courage to be who they truly are the ones who find true happiness and freedom. This is what heat treated amethyst is to me, wild, happy and free. When I hold a heat treated amethyst I feel happiness and joy radiating from it, and I truly believe that is because each piece has a deep understanding of that human experience. Each piece, with that understanding has become wild, happy to be free to decide for itself the type of vibrations it embodies best and which positive attributes it chooses to share. 


So whenever you choose a piece of this type of “citrine”, hereafter to be known as “Wild Crystals” on this website, you can expect to feel that wildly happy energy within it,  with each piece holding its own little mystery of high vibing energy, ready for you to decipher. But most of all, let these crystals be a reminder to you that only YOU get to decide who you are. You are infinitely powerful. 


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