Thank you Cynthia DeFries - About the estate sale

We recently acquired a multitude of crystals and art pieces that were owned & created by the late Cynthia DeFries. I want to say a special thank you to her and her daughter Kat Lungren for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of finding new homes for all of the beautiful pieces that Cynthia owned. 

There are so many breath taking pieces in her collection. I've been busy identifying, cataloging, weighing, cleansing and photographing all of the pieces. This may take quite a bit of time but slowly each piece is making it's way to the website for you to have the chance to purchase. I will tag any piece that has been sourced through the estate sale with the tag, "Estate CD" & note each description with a note saying where it came from. 

If you have never purchased a crystal that has been previously owned, I beg you not to be hesitant to do so. Purchasing crystals (or anything) for that matter that has been previously owned is an extremely sustainable practice that is good for the environment and good for our souls. In regards to crystals, minerals, rocks etc, these are wonders of creation and should be appreciated continuously and indefinitely. All energies of previous owners can be easily cleansed. 

When I decided to open this shop it was my highest hope that I would be able to find previously owned collections that I could find second or third homes for because second hand is such an important factor in sustainability/ethical sourcing. I am so grateful to Kat for making this a possibility and I hope to make Cynthia proud. I can't wait until I am able to put all of her art up for you to see and purchase, she was incredibly talented. 

And thank you, to you who is reading this. I feel a deeply joyful energy within me in this moment, and am placing a bit of it in these words for you to feel. I hope you never forget how important you are. I hope you never forget that you are everything <3



Joanne Gallegos  

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